Information Sharing
Useful Links
Ever wondered what you child is experiencing? Here is a sound simulation clip which will give you some insight into the reality of hearing loss.
If your child listens with cochlear implants, this simulation may be more relevant to their listening experience.
Learning from people with lived experience of hearing loss is so important! These two videos are insightful to what life can be like for our children.
Here’s an article about fatigue in deaf children which relates to the videos above.
One tool which can help with the inevitable fatigue is an FM system. This video demonstrates what this is and the difference it can make.
Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone and there is so much hope! Enjoy this montage of stories from families who have walked this journey.
This South African website has some nice free resources which you can use with your child
There are some excellent websites created by others who are passionate about empowering families. Here are a few from across the globe. Spend some time diving into the rich content available here, and may the global footprint remind you once again that you are NOT ALONE!
Aussie Deaf Kids
Hands and Voices
National Deaf Children’s Society
The Hanen Centre
Youtube Channel
For families and professionals alike, this journey is one of never ending learning. Join Debbie and Bianca as they host informal conversations about a range of topics, aimed to bring insight to families and professionals working in the field of hearing loss. If you have a topic which you would like unpacked, or know of someone who would be an informative guest, please contact us–and don’t forget to subscribe!
Library of PDF’s
Empowering yourself on this journey is important. Your active involvement in your journey with your child matters, and will be worth all the effort.
Here is a collection of publications and articles which you may find useful. Whether you are needing to advocate for your child’s rights or simply want to educate yourself about the field of hearing loss, here is a wealth of information at your fingertips.
These resources specifically relate to the rights of your child and family.
SA white paper on the rights of people with disabilities
UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
If you are a professional in the field –this collection is for you! These papers refer to international best practice policies and standards when working with families. Serving families with excellence is the responsibility of all hearing health professionals.
JCIH doc
Year 2019 JCIH Position Statement
FCEI consensus statement
Informed choice families and deaf children
Professional perspectives on deafness
Humphries – language deprivation
Whether it’s to challenge your perspective on the messages about disability Kecman 2018, inform yourself about disability tax and what you can claim for Disability tax, engage in some useful cochlear implant related facts Cochlear-Implant-CI-fact-sheet or even challenge yourself to a little South African Sign Language Einsteinhands dictionary Inside, there will be something useful to learn for everyone.